Urban Food Flows


  • Cape Town
  • London
  • Mexico City
  • Milan

Single-city data

Comparative data

Environmental Impact

Cape Town
Food Group Total
GHG emissions
t CO₂eq
GHG emissions
kg CO₂eq
Alcoholic Beverages 298,818 534,884 118.5
Animal fats 2,210 52,775 11.7
Aquatic Products, Other
Cereals - Excluding Beer 751,515 1,713,454 379.6
Eggs 32,500 151,775 33.6
Fish, Seafood 29,789 603,227 133.6
Fruits - Excluding Wine 127,423 108,310 24.0
Meat 284,779 11,089,294 2456.7
Milk - Excluding Butter 237,927 749,470 166.0
Offals 35,027 1,363,951 302.2
Oilcrops 4,061 8,406 1.9
Processed Food
Pulses 5,596 7,778 1.7
Spices 2,120
Starchy Roots 155,683 70,057 15.5
Stimulants 7,582 285,007 63.1
Sugar Crops
Sugar & Sweeteners 178,839 377,350 83.6
Treenuts 9,117 16,684 3.7
Vegetable Oils 77,185 243,905 54.0
Vegetables 173,016 157,445 34.9
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The data on this website comes from a number of different sources, all of which are documented in the master spreadsheet for each city.
Click here for an overview of all master spreadsheets and their data sources.