Urban Food Flows


  • Cape Town
  • London
  • Mexico City
  • Milan

Single-city data

Comparative data

Food Production

Mexico City
Food Group Total (t) Per-capita (kg)
Alcoholic Beverages
Animal fats
Animal feed
Aquatic Products, Other
Cereals - Excluding Beer 4,986 0.6
Eggs 143 0.0
Fish, Seafood
Fruits - Excluding Wine 1,771 0.2
Meat 2,674 0.3
Milk - Excluding Butter 13,092 1.4
Non-food agricultural products
Oilcrops 1 0.0
Processed Food
Pulses 762 0.1
Starchy Roots 20,625 2.3
Sugar Crops
Sugar & Sweeteners 96 0.0
Treenuts 11 0.0
Vegetable Oils
Vegetables 227,257 25.1
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The data on this website comes from a number of different sources, all of which are documented in the master spreadsheet for each city.
Click here for an overview of all master spreadsheets and their data sources.